Thursday 23 July 2009

Battle 1: Army Roster vs Wood Elves


Thane Danro Blackrock
+ oath stone
+ shield
+ Rune of Stone
+ Rune of Preservation
+ Rune of Resistance
+ Rune of Fire

Thane Alric Blackrock
+ Battle Standard
+ Rune of Preservation
+ Rune of Stone

Runesmith Condor Redmane
+ shield
+ Rune of Balance
+ Rune of Spellbreaking


25 Longbeards
+ shields
+ musician
+ standard bearer
+ Rune of Grungni
+ champion

20 Warriors
+ shields
+ musician
+ standard bearer
+ Garrik (champion)

20 Warriors
+ shields
+ musician
+ standard bearer
+ champion

10 Thunderers

10 Quarrellers
+ musician
+ Standard bearer
+ Champion


15 Miners
+ musician
+ Hrunhurer Heavypick (Standard bearer)
+ Trenval Heavypick (Champion)
+ blast charges

Bolt Thrower
+ Kalik (engineer)
+ Rune of Fire


Organ Gun (crew led by Heinrich)

Total = 1999pts

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